Finding the Best Surgical Tech Programs in NJ

Surgical Tech Degree In NJ - Surgical Tech School NJ

Thinking about joining a surgical tech program? Medical professionals like surgical technologists are in high demand due to the increase in life expectancy and the aging Baby Boomer generation. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment for surgical technologists is expected to increase by 12% from 2016 to 2026 which is an increase of 12,600 job positions. Additionally, the average annual salary of a surgical technologist in the NY-NJ metropolitan area is $56,540. Finding the right surgical tech program for you may be overwhelming, but it’s easier when you know which factors to consider.

What program or degree do you need?

Depending on the college, the surgical technology degree can be an Associate of Science degree (AS), Associate of Applied Science (AAS), Bachelor of Science degree (BS), or a certificate program. Associate degrees typically take 2 years to complete and bachelor’s degrees typically take 4 years. The most important detail is that you choose a CAAHEP-accredited surgical technology program in order to be able to take the CST exam. Passing the CST exam is a necessity to be able to work in an operating room. Checking the CST exam pass rate of the potential surgical tech programs of your choice can be a good indicator of how effective these programs could be.

What connections does the school have?

When weighing your program options, it is important to consider the connections that the school has to surrounding hospitals. Joining a school that has connections to the local community can give students a richer educational experience. Also, if you are not local to the area of your school, you may want to make sure that the school has connections to hospitals that are close to where you intend to live.

What type of schedule you can commit to?

When choosing your program, it is important to consider how much time you need to commit. If the schedule is too demanding, you may have a hard time being able to juggle all of your responsibilities. There are surgical technology programs that have day or night classes as well as traditional or accelerated courses. Choosing the surgical tech program that works with your needs is critical for success.

Visit our website to learn more about the Surgical Technologist Program offered at Eastwick College.