According to recent census data, about 7% of the United States population does not speak English. Communicating with non-English speaking patients effectively who need medical attention is a big topic in the healthcare industry. If English is your second language, and you dream of being able to help those in need who do not speak English, a Bilingual Nursing Program may be the perfect fit for you.
Solidify Your Understanding of English
Being equipped to communicate with patients and staff in two languages is no small feat, which is why these programs are so vital to a growing population of the American melting pot. Bilingual Nursing Programs not only teach what one needs to know as a Licensed Practical Nurse, but they also provide English lessons, as terminology is highly technical.
Save Lives by Communicating Better with Patients
Language barriers in the medical industry can be especially dangerous, as patients may find it difficult to communicate symptoms, allergies or illnesses in a language unfamiliar to them. Patients are also more likely to feel comfortable telling someone in their own language how they feel, which can reveal potentially life-threatening side effects or ailments.
Bilingual Nurses are In Demand
Aside from the fact that jobs in nursing are rapidly growing and are projected to continue to grow, bilingual nurses are highly sought-after for budgetary reasons. The United States has a strong immigrant community that will need to seek care at some point in their lives, and hospitals will need to respond to these needs. Bilingual nurses lower costs because interpreters that are outsourced can become an expense for an institution.
If you are looking for a bilingual nursing program in Northern New Jersey or the Greater New York City area, learn more about the Bilingual Licensed Practical Nursing Diploma Program at Eastwick College in Hackensack.