Thinking about attending a Diagnostic Medical Sonography school, but stuck on how to narrow down your choices? It is important to consider a few crucial aspects of the program before choosing your school:
1. Does the Diagnostic Medical Sonography school have an accredited program?
Make sure your school of choice is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). The program should be accredited to ensure that all standards and guidelines are met throughout the curriculum, the staff and the facilities. Graduates of accredited programs are more likely to complete their certification and be eligible for more employment opportunities upon graduation.
2. Certification Prep
Most medical practices prefer ultrasound technicians to be certified, regardless of whether it is a state law. Before enrolling in a diagnostic medical sonography school, it is important to learn about the programs offered to ensure it will set you up for your certification. Programs that are accredited will meet the educational and clinical requirements that you will need to advance.
3. Program Options
As you begin your search, you may realize the programs differ. Some programs will offer certificates, some will offer an associate degree and others will work towards a bachelor’s degree. Depending on your past experiences and your future career goals, you will be able to choose the best program for your needs. On average, a bachelor’s degree in this field takes up to four years.
The job outlook for diagnostic medical sonographers is promising, with a 17% growth rate expected through 2026. This means over 21,000 new jobs will be available to all of the newly certified sonographers out there. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average salary for a diagnostic medical sonographer in the NY/NJ Metro Area was $75,730 in 2017.
At Eastwick College, you have many choices as to which program to enroll in. In the diagnostic medical sonography field, we offer an associate degree in Cardiovascular Sonography, and bachelor degree programs in Diagnostic Cardiovascular Sonography and OB/GYN Diagnostic Sonography. Apply to begin your career today!